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A Healthier Michigan

A Beginner’s Guide to Exercise

By: Grace Derocha, registered dietitian, certified diabetes educator and certified health coach at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Although many people aspire to exercise more in the new year, nearly 80 percent of adults fail to meet the recommendation for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity. In order to achieve any fitness goal, it’s important to take a step back and determine what’s possible based on health history, lifestyle, interests and abilities. Consider this step-by-step guide to kick… 

Avoid Winter Workout Woes with These Safety Tips

  Michigan winters mean snow, ice, freezing temperatures and darker days. Even though staying active during these conditions may not seem ideal, there are many health benefits, both physical and mental, to working out during the winter months. Of course, adding snow and ice to a workout routine presents additional challenges and health risks. Before you step outside, keep these health and safety… 

National Soup Month: Crockpot Lasagna Soup

  Warm up this winter and celebrate National Soup Month with our healthier version of lasagna.  This soup recipe will still satisfy your pasta cravings and leave you feeling full without over-indulging in carbs or heavy amounts of cheese. Bonus: your slow cooker will do all of the work for you so you can have a hassle-free meal ready for… 

No Gym Membership? No Problem! 5 Exercises That Don’t Cost You a Dime

Let’s admit it, not everyone has the extra $20 a month or more to spend on a gym membership. But don’t let the cost hold you back from exercising — there are plenty of ways to stay fit outside the gym. Here is just a tiny sample of all the activities you can try: Ride your bike: Take a scenic route and… 

Michigan January Bucket List: 10 Healthy Ideas to Make the Most of the New Year

If you live in Michigan, your feelings about January probably depend on whether you love or hate the snow. Snow bunny or hermit, there’s plenty of ways for you to embrace this month and start the year off on a positive note. If you’re making resolutions, make sure they’re achievable. Finding an adventurous indoor exercise could help winter not feel quite… 

Healthy Holiday Dessert Recipe Roundup

Holiday parties are filled with family, friends and usually a range of desserts from cakes and cookies to ice cream and candy. This holiday season, try a healthy dessert that will satisfy your sweet tooth without the guilt. For example, the no-bake dark chocolate mint snowball treats are easy to prepare with the soothing taste of mint that will have you in… 

Thanksgiving Leftovers: Turkey and Stuffing Breakfast Cups Recipe

We’re all so used to having traditional leftovers around Thanksgiving that it can be hard to think of creative ways to repurpose things like turkey and stuffing. This year instead of the turkey sandwich, try this recipe for a protein-filled, flavorful breakfast option. This recipe is easy to pop in the oven and prepare a batch to last for the…