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Self Care

Celebrating Diversity and Empowerment: A Look into Affirmations LGBTQ+ Community Center in Ferndale

In a world where diversity should be celebrated, there’s an urgent need for safe spaces that empower and uplift marginalized communities. Among these is the LGBTQ+ community, which has faced its fair share of challenges in its fight for equality and acceptance. Thankfully, there are beacons of hope and support, such as the Affirmations LGBTQ+ Community Center in Ferndale, that… 

Living and Spending: Knowing When to Invest in Your Health

It’s crucial to know the best time to invest in your health. Many people don’t think about it, but having good health is essential for living a long, happy life. Investing in your health doesn’t necessarily mean spending money; rather, it’s about making lifestyle choices that prioritize physical and mental well-being. Being mindful of how you spend your time and… 

It’s Candida, not Canada! Yeast Overgrowth is Something YOU Need to Know About

It’s something a lot of people probably have never heard of, let alone know how harmful it can be to the body – Candida. While it sounds our neighbor to the north, Candida is a common problem that needs waaaaaaaaay more awareness. Candida, which can be spread sexually and via common living spaces, is a genus of yeasts that is… 

MTHFR & Chronic Illness: What You Should Know

As humans, many of us get sick, but some of us get sick and stay chronically sick. It’s either one thing or another, and like you, I’ve always wondered why. A few years ago, I discovered information about MTHFR, which is our detox gene. MTHFR is an abbreviation for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, an enzyme that breaks down the amino acid homocysteine…