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Home / Michigan January Bucket List: 10 Healthy Ideas to Make the Most of the New Year

Michigan January Bucket List: 10 Healthy Ideas to Make the Most of the New Year

person holding mug that reads "let the adventures begin"

If you live in Michigan, your feelings about January probably depend on whether you love or hate the snow.

Snow bunny or hermit, there’s plenty of ways for you to embrace this month and start the year off on a positive note.

  1. If you’re making resolutions, make sure they’re achievable.
  2. Finding an adventurous indoor exercise could help winter not feel quite so long. Indoor rock climbing is great for the entire family.
  3. If it’s going to be cold, you might as well embrace it with a trip to the annual Zehnder’s Snowfest in Frankenmuth. Here’s how to make the most of this fun tourist town.
  4. January is National Blood Donor Month. Roll up your sleeve and help your local community by donating. If you’re a first-timer, it’s really not that big of a deal.
  5. There is no bad time of year to hike to Marquette’s Black Rocks (pictured). Frolicking through the snow will make you feel like a little kid and the view at the end is well worth the trek.
  6. January is a great time to be still and reflect. These quiet winter recreation spots are perfect for getting away from it all.
  7. Cheer on the home team. Hockey season is in full swing and checking out a college or professional game is a fun way to get out of the house. Go Red WingsGo Griffins!
  8. Put your slow cooker to work in celebration of National Slow Cooking Month. Have a warm, delicious dinner ready when you get home from work with these yummy soup recipes.
  9. Enjoy your state parks by trying some snowshoes on for size or be really daring and go winter camping.
  10. Stay cozy and warm by practicing the Danish philosophy of hygge.