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A Healthier Michigan

Keep Kids Safe This Holiday: 6 Household Hazards to Avoid

If you’re celebrating this holiday season with babies, toddlers, or small children, you’ll want to take extra precautions to keep them safe. You already know to keep household cleaners and medications locked out of reach and to cover outlets, but there are some hidden holiday dangers you might not know about. Here are six holiday staples that could pose a… 

How to Indulge Without Guilt this Holiday Season

The holiday season is synonymous with family, fun, and of course, food. Between opulent dinners, professional gatherings and holiday parties it can feel difficult to achieve a healthy balance. But dietary concerns shouldn’t dampen your holiday spirit. It’s possible to indulge in celebratory offerings without the added guilt. Here are some tips: Be Rational Be realistic about your food choices… 

Fight Childhood Obesity with Go, Glow and Grow Foods

Today, more than 12 million U.S. children are obese. Nationally, one out of every six kids is considered overweight or obese, while nearly one in three Michigan children face the same dilemma. These kids face an increased risk of having chronic health conditions and diseases, including type 2 diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea and more. The typical American diet has shifted to favor convenience foods… 

Diabetes-friendly Thanksgiving Ideas

Enjoying food-centered holidays can be challenging for people with diabetes. They might find themselves torn between wanting to enjoy traditional carbohydrate-heavy recipes and trying to eat healthy to keep their blood sugar at a safe level. Stress from this internal tug-of-war can push blood sugar levels even higher. The good news is, there is a solution.   People with diabetes… 

Healthy Thanksgiving Substitutions (No One Will Notice)

If you’re like most people, the stretch of time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day is a free-for-all where you can guiltlessly indulge. But you don’t have to sabotage your waistline for the sake of delicious holiday food. In fact, with some creative cooking and substitutions, you and your guests won’t be able to tell that you’re filling your plates… 

The Importance of Dads and Other Adults in Modeling Healthy Emotions for Boys

What does it mean to be masculine or manly? For many, it means conforming to stereotypes related to providing, protecting, procreating and not showing your feelings. But being strong all the time often comes with stuffing down anxiety, sadness, weakness and vulnerability. Research shows these habits can lead to negative health outcomes ranging from digestive problems to heart concerns when emotions spill out in the form… 

5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Preschooler Healthy

We all know the signs too well: the runny nose, deep cough and warm forehead. Keeping your little one healthy can be one of the toughest aspects of having a toddler—especially if they go to preschool. Small children have an increased risk of coming down with a cold or catching other illnesses because their immune systems aren’t fully matured yet. When… 

Making Halloween Special, Spooky – and Safe!

It would take a 185-pound person an entire workday of non-stop cross country running to burn off the higher end of the 3500-7000 calories from Halloween candy consumed by the average US child. Holidays aren’t exactly known for being healthy, but this year there are more health considerations to keep in mind beyond the usual sugar rush. To prevent the… 

Avoid Pumpkin Overload With These 6 Michigan Fall Fruits and Veggies

It’s fall and you know what that means…pumpkin-flavored everything! If you’re not a pumpkin fan, there’s a plentiful variety of fall produce that is also in season. Based on traditional Michigan crop harvest calendars, here are some of the best fruits and veggies to select in the fall: Apples – with varieties like Macintosh and Honeycrisp available as early as September, apples are great… 

Three Ways to Keep Kids Active Into Their Teens

As technology continues to advance, it has become more and more difficult for parents to unplug their children from the electronic world.  With distractions like cell phones, laptops, television and video games, it is easy for kids to lose themselves in the lure of today’s gadgets. Is there any hope for parents trying to tear kids away from their screens?…