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Teaching Your Teen About the Dangers of Drinking and Driving

When your kids reach an age at which they become legal drivers, it’s important to do your best to help them stay safe. One way to do this is to let them know that they should never drink and drive, and share the dangers that come with doing so with them. This may be the most effective way for you to ensure that they avoid the temptation to drink and drive, which exposes both them and other road users to danger. Here’s how you should go about doing this to improve your chances of being successful and teach them valuable lessons.

Start the Conversation Early

It’s a good idea to start the conversation about driving while intoxicated as early as possible. Doing this will give you the chance to cover all the details that surround drinking and driving. In the initial stages, you may not have to go deep into the subject. Making it conversational and easy-going can take a lot of the pressure off when the time comes when it’s crucial to get them to understand the facts. When they know from the start that it’s a dangerous thing to do, they’re likely to be more receptive about it down the road.

Let Them Know Where the Law Stands

You should start to share legal information with your children about drinking and driving when they get older. This can help them understand the wide scope of the issue because they’ll understand that even if they feel as if they’re in control after having a drink, the law may not share the same view. Find out data to share with them so that they know the details of the matter and they’re less likely to take it lightly. You can also share additional information with them, including the fact that 93% of the public and 66% of officers favor the use of body cameras by officers to record interactions that they have with citizens. Learn about the details yourself so that it’s easier for you to share the information with your children when the time comes to do so.

Share Real Facts

Next, do your best to avoid fear-mongering, which is likely to just make your kids rebellious when you have conversations with them. To this end, learn about the facts surrounding driving while drunk, including that the legal blood alcohol content or BAC limit for drivers is .08%. This and more can help solidify the fact that there are definitive laws governing drinking while driving, and real consequences for doing so as well. At this point, talk to your kids about the options that they have if they end up going out and drinking; remind them that they can always call you when they need help.

Lead By Example

Finally, if you want your kids to take you seriously when you warn them about drinking and driving, it’s best that you lead by example. This will show your teens that you’re serious about what you tell them and that you also know the implications and dangers involved. Remember that you are also at risk when drinking and driving are concerned if you don’t take the appropriate measures. Don’t become one of the people who drink and drive roughly 121 million times each year.

These are a few of the main ways in which you can talk to your teens about the dangers of drinking and driving. You’ll have helped save them from danger by teaching them these things early on. When they have the information, they may find it easier to take measures to keep themselves safe and avoid ever driving while they’re intoxicated.