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How Plant-Based Diets Can Help Reverse Diabetes – November is American Diabetes Month

One in 10 Americans has diabetes, and 95% of them have Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body’s ability to regulate and use glucose, or blood sugar, as fuel is impaired. The pancreas produces less insulin, the hormone that helps cells process sugar from blood, and cells become insulin-resistant and begin to take in less sugar. This… 

Avoid Pumpkin Overload With These 6 Michigan Fall Fruits and Veggies

It’s fall and you know what that means…pumpkin-flavored everything! If you’re not a pumpkin fan, there’s a plentiful variety of fall produce that is also in season. Based on traditional Michigan crop harvest calendars, here are some of the best fruits and veggies to select in the fall: Apples – with varieties like Macintosh and Honeycrisp available as early as September, apples are great…