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How Does a Workplace Injury Affect Your Family and Finances?

A single mom who’s been hurt at work may not be surprised to see themselves with more stress in their lives. Likewise, any family member who’s been injured and cannot fulfill their typical responsibilities will also see an impact not only on their own lives but on the family as a whole. Workplace injuries play a devastating role on family… 

3 Tough Conversations You Should Have With Your Preteen Now

At a certain point, your kids will mature past the child stage and become preteens. This stage is often the most challenging for many young people and requires a lot of careful planning, preparation, and understanding. For example, you’re going to have to talk with them about many different life elements to get them ready for their teen years. Therefore,… 

It’s Flu Season. What to Do If Your Child’s Sickness Won’t Go Away

Your child might be coughing, sneezing, having trouble breathing, or feeling sore all over. While the tendency may be to empty your medicine cabinet, as a parent, sometimes taking the best care of your child’s health means using a more thoughtful approach to handling sickness. Understanding that children get sick is the first step toward being prepared. Once you’ve done…