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Home / Does Your Kid Feel Threatened at Work? Here’s What to Do

Does Your Kid Feel Threatened at Work? Here’s What to Do

When your child first begins working, chances are you feel proud of them, but also have a certain level of anxiety about their safety and happiness as they establish a career. Unfortunately, some work environments may not be secure or offer the kind of support your kid needs. In those situations, you may have to step in to assist them in protecting themselves and dealing with the long-term mental effects of working in this kind of place.

Here are some ways you can handle the situation if your kid feels they are being threatened at work, either by a co-worker, boss, or patron of the business.

Get Professional Help

Many large companies have programs in place to help employees deal with emotionally impactful situations like being bullied by coworkers or dealing with intimidating customers, including mediation or counseling. If an injury happens as a result of the situation, under the provisions laid out in the Workers’ Compensation Act, your child might be entitled to benefits. The law states that every company must provide its employees with death benefits for dependents, career training in another industry, and weekly income payments to compensate if you have to miss more than a week of work. This applies to even smaller local companies that do not have a large workforce.

Help Them Protect Themselves Against Threats

If your child is legally old enough, you can help get them trained to carry a weapon, so they can defend themselves if needed. Remember to check the local laws in your state to ensure that your kid has the right permits and paperwork to carry a weapon. Even in places where permits aren’t required, there are restrictions to follow. Most states that allow permitless carrying of firearms require you to be at least 21 years old before you can carry a firearm. It also required that the person carrying the gun not be legally prohibited from owning a firearm, which may be the case if your child has been in trouble with the law before. If your child is found to carry a gun outside the restrictions set in place by the law, they can end up in serious trouble, so its well worth your time to make sure they follow the law.

The stress and trauma of being in a dangerous workplace can impact your child down the line if not dealt with at the time. Many people, when faced with a dangerous situation, will respond by ignoring their fear and pushing forward, so they can survive and get out of the situation. In the short term, this may be an effective way to deal with things. In the long term, though, the feelings you have ignored and neglected will come back eventually.

In addition to seeking counseling or therapy if needed, there are things you can do at home to help defray this tension. Simple, low-cost activities like gardening, meditation, hiking, and yoga can help alleviate mental stress and have positive effects on the body, leading to people of all ages doing them. As of spring 2014, some 113.5 million people reported doing some kind of gardening over the last year.

By providing support and resources for your child, it will be easier for them to deal with the effects of working in a stressful environment or feeling like their personal safety is threatened. These lessons in defending themselves and actively dealing with stress and trauma can benefit them throughout life as they deal with unpleasant situations.