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Simple Gift Ideas for Your Child’s Favorite Private School Teacher

Giving a gift to your child’s favorite private school teacher is something that you may want to do to show your gratitude for their efforts in your child’s educational development. Picking the right gift can be a challenge, however, especially if you don’t know the teacher well enough. With that said, here are some simple gifts you can get for… 

The Farmington Hills Police Department Rocks!

The Farmington Hills Police Department, in celebration of National Police Week May 9-15, is kicking of FHPD ROCKS a fun community wide scavenger hunt! In several parks throughout Farmington Hills, the department has hidden rocks painted with images of police cars, K-9 Officer Dozer, police badges and more. If you find a painted rock, you can turn it in to… 

DIY Minnie Mouse Valentine’s Day Box Using Household Scraps

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and although meant for couples, I like to celebrate with the entire family. This year, we are getting the Lovefest started early with this fun DIY Minnie Mouse Valentine’s Day Box craft. If your child will be collecting Valentines at school this year, this is a super cute (and cost-effective) way to collect…