The Massive Playground at Butcher Park in Warren
Butcher Park in Warren offers two amazing structures as well as swings. The park also offers a pavilion, picnic tables, grills, ball fields, sand volleyball in addition to restrooms.
Butcher Park in Warren offers two amazing structures as well as swings. The park also offers a pavilion, picnic tables, grills, ball fields, sand volleyball in addition to restrooms.
Guide to some amazing metro Detroit picnic locations with scenic views and activities for the kids. Pack your lunch and blanket and enjoy!
Bundle up for a leisurely stroll along a snowy trial, enjoy ice skating at a local park, or find the best sledding hill for your family. Here are some amazing outdoor winter activities to keep your family busy this winter.
Visitor’s Guide, photos, and information about the Edsel and Elenor Ford House in Grosse Pointe Shores. A great outdoor learning experience.
Civic Center Park Sledding hill is one of the largest hills in metro Detroit. Free sled rental and restrooms make this our top choice.
If you are looking for a experience for your children, or for yourself where you can explore nature, learn, and have fun, then check out Stage Nature Center Educational programs. The Stage Nature Center also offers 100-acres to explore in addition to an amazing educational center.
Spring might seem a long while off, but the truth is that it’s never too early to start thinking about how you can improve your landscaping. And considering that landscaping can add almost 14% to your home’s resale value, this definitely isn’t something you want to sleep on. If you’re not sure where to start come early spring, here are…
Visitor’s information and images for the Livonia Civic Center Library Story Walk. The Story Walk is pages of a book on signs along the trail.
We are ready to get out of the house and have some fun with our family. Canterbury Village, located in Lake Orion, will be hosting daily drive-in movies. The 14 foot by 32 foot large high-resolution LED screen is perfect for daytime and nighttime movie viewing. To hear the movie, just tune your car radio to the correct channel. Space…
Auburn Hills Public Library Storybook Trail The Auburn Hills Public Library Storybook Trail features a series of signs along the trail that display pages of a book for families to read and enjoy. At the present time, the library has “A Frog in the Bog” by Karma Willson along their trail. This preschool counting book will keep you laughing along…