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Goldfish Swim School

Ways to Keep Your Family Active This Winter – Without Freezing

Winter and cold temperatures are coming to Metro Detroit and it won’t be long before the kids get restless and start to drive you bonkers… well maybe that only happens here.  But, if your kids are like mine, they don’t like to be cooped up in the house all the time so here are some winter tips to keep you… 

Staying Fit! Where To Go Swimming In Detroit During The Fall & Winter

With fall right around the corner, cold weather is soon to follow. But that doesn’t mean that the fall and winter seasons will take away your ability to swim. Did you know this active hobby is the fourth most popular recreational activity in the United States? If this activity was solely limited to the short months of summer, there’s no… 

Ten Benefits of Year Round Swimming Lessons

A majority of swimming programs in the Metro Detroit area offer classes with set start and end dates. Golfish Swim School is different in that they offer year-round swimming classes where students move up through the levels at a pace that is perfect for their needs and ability. Here are ten great reasons why year-round swimming is better: 1.  Students…