Metro Detroit Mommy Blogger Theresa Walker- Beach Body Coach
As a mom of two boys ages 9 & 6, summer time is easily one of the hardest times of the year for me to fit in fitness and manage my healthy eating. Between the ability to sleep-in each morning, the planned activities during the day with friends, the need to play referee between the two, trying to keep up on the housework, errands and figuring out what’s for dinner and when I will cook it…if you are a mom, you can relate. The struggle is real!
It’s actually already started these last few busy weeks in June, the difficulty to find the time to take care of myself. So I started brainstorming things I can do to keep me active, healthy and fit this summer and thought I’d share:
1. Eat Breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day and when I find it start off healthy, I am more likely to stay on track the rest of the day. Some of my go-to’s are my protein/vitamin shake (Shakeology), fruit, hard boiled eggs, greek yogurt, waffles with peanut butter and oatmeal. I rarely stray from these and it’s usually two of the above- ie my shake plus a waffle. Or oatmeal and fruit. I try to pair a protein with a carb and it keeps me full for several hours.
2. Break up your workout into two sessions, 15 minutes in the morning and 15 at night. If you don’t have 30 minutes all at once, break it up!
3. Eat your veggies, no matter what. Each meal, have a serving or two of veggies. The more the better, because the more veggies you eat the fuller you will get. Want a burger? Substitute a salad for the fries and you just saved at least 400 calories! Making a smoothie for breakfast, throw in a cup of spinach and if you add fruit you will never taste it.
4. Go swimming. Don’t just take your kids swimming, go swimming with them. Burns a lot of calories.
5. Find a fast healthy lunch option for when you are on-the-go. You know you are going to have those days you will be running around and need to stop and pick up lunch. Or you need to bring something to eat to the park or beach. Jimmy Johns is my first choice, I get a Turkey Tom or a Beach Club as an unwhich (no bun), minus the mayo. Delicious, light and filling. Also keep my pantry stocked with BumbleBee seasoned canned tuna.
6. Improvise your workouts. Be flexible. Busy day? How about just ten minutes; it’s better than nothing.
7. Make get togethers with friends about doing things, not eating. Metro Parks and local parks/trails like Stony Creek, Paint Creek Trail, Macomb Orchard or Dodge Park are my favorite places for this. Go for a walk on a nature trail, a run along the river, roller blading or bike riding. How about dancing it out at a Zumba class or relaxing with Yoga. There’s also places to go horseback riding or rock climbing.
8. Make your dessert a fruit. In my opinion summer has some of the sweetest fruits in season- strawberries, raspberries, cherries, peaches and nectarines are my favorites!
9. Sign up to run or walk a 5K. There are hundreds of 5k’s you can choose from and most are family friendly.
10. Date night? Go for a walk afterwards. You will get more alone time and a chance to talk, without the kids around.
11. Get up early. At least 2 days a week, more if you can. But even if you manage to get up early twice and get in a full half hour workout, you’re doing pretty great.
12. Get 8 hours of sleep. This goes along with the above, if you want to be able to get up early, go to bed earlier. Getting 8 hours will also give you more energy during the day to be active with the kids and get what you need to get done accomplished.
13. Drink water. Not pop. You need to hydrate, and if you give up pop, and drink fruit-infused water instead, you’ll save 150 calories per can, not to mention all the sugar. Your body will thank you.
14. Play with the kids. Taking the kids to Airtime? Don’t just sit there, bounce with them. Go for a family bike ride. Play tag, soccer, baseball, basketball, volleyball etc. Don’t sit still.
15. Don’t stop when you are on vacation, keep up your normal healthy eating and habits. Plan things that are active. Bike ride on a trail, canoe or kayak down the river, go for a hike or go swimming.
Most of all, ENJOY SUMMER!
Theresa is a wife and stay at home mother of 2 boys, David (13) and Aiden (10). Her hobbies include traveling, reading, running, cooking and volunteering at MI Humane Society with the adoptable cats. She also spends her free time serving as PTO President at her son’s elementary school. She enjoys being active and is proud to have completed 4 marathons. She loves to share her passion for health and fitness with others.