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Home / Where Do You Hide the Holiday Presents?

Where Do You Hide the Holiday Presents?

The annual parental struggle will be upon us soon, for those who like to get a head start on the season, it is already here. Where to hide the holiday presents! It’s easy enough when our children are babies. They can’t look and don’t know to search for them. As they get older though, it gets complicated and when things get complicated parents have to get creative. I recently asked my Facebook friends and family their favorite places to hide holiday presents and I’m happy to share them with you.

Amanda Stein 2011

  • in a box in the garage
  • at a friend’s or relative’s house
  • on a shelf in the basement
  • in stored suitcases
  • at the office
  • Grandparents’ home
  • in the garage rafters/storage
  • in a giant cardboard box
  • in storage totes
  • in closet with a deadbolt
  • under the kitchen sink, behind the cleaning products
  • wrap them and put them under the tree but use mislabel tags: Grandma, Uncle Adam, Aunt Amelia
  • in the craft closet under the yarn
  • in plastic totes in your bedroom
  • trade with a friend so even if the kids snoop they’ll be super confused on Christmas morning
  • extra room with a lock
  • where ever the cleaning supplies are stored-they’ll never find them!
  • trunk of the car
  • in a canoe in the garage
  • in boxes labeled ‘old clothes’
  • in the empty holiday decoration storage boxes
  • don’t bother hiding them. Just threaten to return them if the kids are caught snooping
  • the laundry hamper/pile
  • in the attic under the Halloween decorations
  • top shelf in the closet under blankets
Where ever you choose to hid the presents, or however you celebrate the holidays, nothing beats the look on your child’s face that day.
Amanda Stein 2010