One of our favorite things to do during summer vacation is to visit other libraries. We recently found ourselves with an hour of time to kill after visiting LEGOland, so naturally, we searched for the closest public library.
As a school librarian, my kids know how much I like to scope out new libraries and get ideas and they love it too!
The Orion Township children’s department is big and clean. There are plenty of places to play and learn, and yet it still felt contained and safe.
Because Orion Township is a part of The Library Network, I was able to check out books and audio books with my local (Berkley) library card. There are 75 participating libraries in the network and if you have a library card at one, you usually can check out materials from any of the other participating locations.
At Orion Township, they had early learning kits available for check-out too!
The children’s department was very open and inviting. There were study carrels tucked in one corner, an art table, a shelf full of games (including checkers and Clue), early learning computers, ipads, other computers, comfortable seating, and a play area near the back. There were also family restrooms located within the children’s department.
I felt totally comfortable reading while my kids played on the ipads because even if they left the table to explore something else in the library, the children’s librarians desk, sits right at the entrance.
The play area near the back of the department was full of fun toys and manipulatives for little ones.
I also enjoyed how the picture books were displayed face out, since we all know kids don’t follow the rule “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Illustrations are an integral part of children’s books and I like how Orion Township features them this way.
Behind the library, there is a cute little outside garden, perfect for curling up with a new book and enjoying some quiet time with nature. I’m not sure I would do it with my two loud hooligans, but if I was alone, you betchya!
As we were checking out, I noticed a sign on the circulation desk-THEY RENT OUT GAMING SYSTEMS! What a cool idea! I also saw the librarian checking out full puzzles.
Overall, I have to agree with their photo backdrop, #orionlibraryrocks .
Here’s all the info you need if you want to check out this library too!
Main Library
825 Joslyn Road
Lake Orion, MI 48362-2124
Monday – Thursday: 9:30am – 9:00pm
Friday & Saturday: 9:30am – 5:00pm
Sunday: Closed