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Willow Creek Golf Center- Lake Orion

Willow Creek Golf Center is a hidden gem in Lake Orion.A summer visit should be on your ‘to-do’ list for family fun!

Willow Run has been open since 1978 and is a family owned business. It has two mini-golf courses, batting cages ( Baseball and softball slow & fast pitch) , and several golf ranges.

Upon arrival, we went to the clearly marked main building. It is older but cozy and clean.   We were greeted by a very friendly gentleman that has been there since it opened. He patiently explained our options and explained the pros and cons of each choice. We choose a single round of putt-putt golf, a bucket of golf balls, and  3 batting cage tokens. The main building has a restroom, a small selection of inexpensive prebagged (chips, pretzels, etc), a freezer with small ice cream treats, and water/pop for sale. There also is all the equipment you need if you do not have your own, included in your costs! The staff sized us up with the correct putters for mini golf, let us select a brightly colored ball, handed us a score card, and off we went to mini golf first.

The mini golf options give you the choice of two courses. First one is Sports Mountain and the second is Walk in Woods. We chose Sports Mountain. It is a fun well-maintained course with each hole themed with a sport, from bowling to hockey there is 18 holes of interesting larger than life mini golf holes !Here is a view of the beautiful grounds with a curling themed hole on the right and a kayaking themed hole on the left.

  We had a great time playing golf and all the  sports decorations/obstacles! Many of the holes have items  you can interact with before or after you play each hole. My kids really enjoyed the hole themed for kayaking, complete with a blue putting green!  The sports course included a waterfall, bridge, pretty landscaping, and lots of sunshine.

There is also a Walk in the Woods course that is nature themed and offers more shade. We did not visit that course, but it looked lovely when we walked by. It had rocks, logs , and wove through a patch of woods. On a sunny or hot day, this course would be a cooler option.

For both courses, the 18th hole is a collection of your putt-putt golf ball. Then you turn in your putter in the main building. There is a small auxiliary building near the courses for collecting putters and offering score cards during busier times, but it was not open when we went. While we were there we saw someone cleaning the grounds and picking up leaves/twigs that had fallen on the course. He was very courteous and offered to take a family photo.

A very short walk away is the batting cages. Again, Willow Creek provides all you need if you do not have your own equipment! There is a bin with a variety of helmets (required!!) to choose from, bats are lined up outside of the batting cages to pick from. It is token operated, token are purchased at the main building. The batting cages are clearly marked by speed (fast, slow, medium) and by style (softball, baseball).

(Walk in the Woods mini-golf course on the left and batting cages on the right)

Last, we visited the golf range. There are three ranges to choose from. Two grass tees and one mat tee.  Two of the golf ranges were on the right side of the main building and one was on the left. It appeared that the one onto left was older and more experienced golfers.We opted for the mat tees were covered that had wooden partitions to help younger golfers maintain personal space.

We brought our own golf clubs, but there is a selection available in the main building to choose from. The golf balls are by the bucket and token operated. The machines were full and had a good selection of balls to choose from. Our family split a large bucket and shared between 3 golf stalls. There were several other families at that time and it was very young golfer friendly. Right behind the golf range was a practice putting green and sand trap as well. The golf range was well marked, clean, and comfortable.
Overall, we spent 2.5 hours at Willow Creek! It was a pleasant experience and we are sure to return. Our visit was a Sunday morning and there were other people, but it was not crowded at the time. We were told the mini golf can get busy in the evening hours so call ahead if you would like to know wait times.
Willow Creek Golf Center is located at 3120 S Lapeer Rd, Lake Orion, MI 48359. It is open 7 days a week starting at 9 am until sunset.Phone number is 248-393-2800  
At the time prices were:
Mini Golf:
18 holes (one course) Mini Golf : $6 a person
36 holes (both courses) Mini Golf: $9 a person
Under 2 : FREE
Batting Cages:
1 token (20 pitches)- $2
1 hour rental $35
Punch Card: 30 token punch card- $50
Golf Driving Range:
1 Large Bucket of Balls- $10
1 small bucket of balls- $6
10 Play Cards: 10 large buckets- $90   10 small buckets- $50
Senior Discounts before 5 pm (62+)
For more information check out the website at Willow Creek Golf Center