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Take a Look at the Manufacturing Industry Today in Detroit

Manufacturing is one of the most critical sectors in the economy. It’s also the second-largest employer in America. Manufacturing companies provide jobs to more than 13 million people and create more than $2 trillion of economic activity each year. So, it’s only natural that we want to learn more about this industry and everything it offers us. It also doesn’t hurt that manufacturing employees earn 24% higher wages than those in non-manufacturing sectors. A hotspot for the manufacturing sector is in Detroit, Michigan. The sector is continuously booming and provides excellent opportunities for Detroit’s workers. The sector of manufacturing adds value to everyday life by providing tools and products that allow consumers to exist with ease. Read below to learn more about the manufacturing sector in Detroit.

Manufacturing in Detroit

If you live in or near Detroit and you’re looking for a job, there are plenty of opportunities available to you. The automotive industry has been one of the most prominent industries throughout history due to its massive impact on economics and social growth. Manufacturing jobs account for 38% of all jobs in Detroit. Manufacturing establishments make up 4,500 total businesses, 1,000 exporting their products outside the United States. The manufacturing of phone systems is also crucial to the workforce. About 50% of workers hold a job that requires telework at least part-time. There is no shortage of manufacturing positions within the city limits and nearby suburbs like Dearborn Heights or Southfield, with more than two major automobile companies located there. Additionally, Detroit houses General Motors Headquarters, which employs approximately 15 thousand workers across five different facilities, including GM Renaissance Center HQ building, where they design new vehicles and powertrains!

Manufacturing in the U.S

The automotive industry is the largest employer in the manufacturing sector, and almost $400 billion of American trade is exported internationally per year using wood pallets and containers. Other important industries are aerospace, machinery, computers, electronics, chemicals, food processing, plastics, and rubber. Additionally, manufacturing in the United States has changed significantly since its founding. From being an industry that employed males primarily to one dominated by females today, it’s clear that the face of manufacturing is constantly evolving.

Reasons to Take a Look at Manufacturing

In the United States, manufacturing has been a significant economic sector since before the Civil War. Today, there are 12 million people employed in this industry – around 8% out of all jobs in America today – with annual value-added production amounting to over 2 trillion dollars per year. Manufacturing provides one-third or more than 13 million American jobs, almost as many as those provided through retail trade and construction combined Without these important sectors, our economy would be much weaker overall; not just because they give so many high-paying middle-class positions, but because their existence ensures competition among other nations who want access to them.

Manufacturing is an important sector in the United States because it provides many jobs and positively affects the economy. It must be understood by Americans so that they can better understand how their country functions and what to expect for future changes. Manufacturing includes chemical manufacturing, food processing, textile manufacturing, or metal fabrication. The sector also covers computer electronics used in other production sectors like power generation and transmission equipment. Manufacturing allows the world to function as it does and improves other workforces as well. By providing tools to thrive, manufacturing significantly impacts society. Consider keeping up with the news to learn how the manufacturing sector is evolving.