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Keep Kids Safe This Holiday: 6 Household Hazards to Avoid

If you’re celebrating this holiday season with babies, toddlers, or small children, you’ll want to take extra precautions to keep them safe. You already know to keep household cleaners and medications locked out of reach and to cover outlets, but there are some hidden holiday dangers you might not know about. Here are six holiday staples that could pose a… 

timeouts for toddlers

Ten Absolute Timeout Musts

Have a young child? Chances are you’ve used timeouts. Timeouts are considered very effective and one of the few strategies recommended a by the American Academy of Pediatrics (APP).  However, timeouts only work when used properly-something most parents are failing to do! While three out of four parents use timeout to discipline, almost 85 percent (84.9%) make at least one… 

Sorry Not Sorry

Picture this. You’re at the park.  A child walks up to your little one and joins in constructing the gravel mountain your child has been diligently working at for 15 minutes.  They make eye contact. Your sweet little angel swats at the joiner, unleashing tears streaming like Niagara Falls from those beautiful round eyes and parents run frantically over to… 

Three Ways to Help Your Toddler use their Power for Good

Toddlers have a growing sense of autonomy while still needing reassurance from a familiar caregiver.  They discover the world through their eyes, at their own pace and rarely within your time schedule. Between the ages of birth until three years of age, a child’s brain develops more than any other time span in life so you can imagine how hard… 

Hit Drums, Not People! Helping Your Child Get in Rhythm

We have all been to playdates, preschool classrooms and playgrounds where one or all children resort to hitting, swatting, pushing and eventually screaming. Emotional regulation is a developing skill in the early childhood years. Children’s brains learn through repeated opportunities to express themselves, as language is also evolving may not have the words to talk about the feelings and alas,…