Every parent wants their wonderful and unique child in a place where their differences and joys are celebrated, and Someplace Else Learning Factory (SELF) in Detroit makes that their daily mission. This post has been brought to you by Someplace Else Learning Factory.
Children ages 6 weeks to 12 years can come to SELF and know that their needs and challenges will be met and their strengths and abilities praised and grown.
They are open from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. Monday-Friday and there is also a Great Start Readiness Preschool program for 4- and 5-year-old children that runs 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday. The Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) is Michigan’s state-funded preschool for four-year-old children that provides FREE PRESCHOOL for qualifying families. Families qualify when factors exist in their lives that may place a child at educational risk. That program also has free transportation available.
In the summer, SELF also offers a Kindergarten prep camp for $150 a week (or with a DHS subsidy), meaning your child will start school ready to go and learn!
SELF holds the Great Start 3-star rating, which means they are demonstrating quality across several indicators.
The curriculum at SELF is the Teaching Strategies Creative Curriculum, which is one of the most widely used pre-K programs in the U.S. and uses research and understanding on how children best learn. It’s meaningful and engaging.
SELF believes that keeping children busy and engaged reduces behavioral issues or problems and the teachers have transition activities to help the children move from one activity to another. Positive guidance and redirection are also used, and the teachers set consistent, clear and understandable limits for children.
These limits help children develop self-discipline, which is the goal. Teachers don’t embarrass or ridicule children.
If these methods do not work, teachers will remove and speak to the child.
SELF staff believe that too much discipline destroys the child’s spirit and so children are taught that for every choice there is a consequence so they learn to be responsible for their actions.
There is no corporal punishment of any kind, nor are cruel or severe punishments, humiliation or verbal abuse used as discipline tools. Children are not denied food or punished for bathroom accidents.
The fact is, children sometimes misbehave and the staff at SELF know that and are equipped to handle it. Parents are also kept abreast of the situation and encouraged to mirror the methods used at SELF in the home.
In a nutshell, the staff at SELF believe the care of your child is the single most important consideration for working parents. They want parents to feel at ease and confident in their choices. Daily interaction with loving and caring staff at SELF will positively influence children, providing the tools for your child’s physical, cognitive, social and emotional growth in a loving and supportive atmosphere.
SELF’s mission is to give children a high-quality educational learning environment that is diverse, dynamic and developmentally appropriate – while also being affordable, safe and supportive.
Follow SELF on Instagram or Facebook! Or visit their website to learn more.