The “Symphony for the Senses,” otherwise known as The Original Michigan Lavender Festival, is back this year. Guests can enjoy food trucks, harp music and booths bursting with artisan creations!
The festival has been around since 2002, and also features a variety of hands-on lavender workshops and learning experiences.
Over the years, the festival has continued to grow. It all started in the backyard of the event founder and moving to two other locations to better accommodate guests. Now in it’s fourth location, the festival has plenty of room for lavender aficionados to spread out and enjoy the experience.
The festival is now held at the Eastern Michigan Fairgrounds in Imlay City, conveniently located off I-69 and M-53.
The whole family is welcome to attend the festival. This year the event will showcase Michigan’s top lavender farms, growers and producers. Guests can also visit more than 100 artists and makers at the show’s Made In Michigan Marketplace. The festival also features a Food Truck Gathering with Metro-Detroit’s best food trucks.
In years’ past, the festival was held in July, but is moving to June this year. July is a busy time for lavender growers. By moving the festival to June, more will be able to attend and connect with customers.
The Michigan Lavender Festival will also include a Lavender Farm Expo to heighten awareness of the growing lavender agri-tourism industry in the region while promoting the individual farms – which will also be selling their wares.
In the era of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the festival has implemented additional safety practices to keep everyone safer. The festival will follow state guidelines as required for outdoor farmers markets. These guidelines include providing additional hand-washing stations, hand sanitizer stations, as well as asking that all guests wear face coverings.
The Original Michigan Lavender Festival
June 4-5, 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.
Eastern Michigan Fairgrounds, 195 Midway St, Imlay City, MI 48444
Find them on Facebook and Instagram.
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Korie is a work at home mom to an energetic boy and a sweet todder girl. She loves big books, chocolate, writing, crochet and her Peloton. A recovering former journalist, Korie is also a wife, cook and allergy mama. Follow her on Twitter at @koriemw.