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National Petition to Move Halloween

A petition to change to move Halloween has more than 71,000 signatures.  The Halloween & Costume Association started the petition in hopes to create a “safer, longer, stress-free celebration.”  The petition hopes to move Halloween to the last Saturday of October.   If the petition gains 75,000 signatures, it will be presented to President Trump for consideration.

The petition sites compelling safety concerns, such as children are twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween.  According to a  Sperling’s BestPlaces  study:

“Halloween Was Deadliest Day of the Year for Child Pedestrian Accidents
One hundred and fifteen child pedestrian fatalities occurred on Halloween over the 21 years of our analysis. That is an average of 5.5 fatalities each year on October 31, which is more than double the average number of 2.6 fatalities for other days.”

The cause is unclear, however.  Since Halloween puts a lot more pedestrians on the streets along with young drivers.  Will moving the event to a Saturday change the risk?  How much does lack of light play into the risk?  Or is it just the sheer increased numbers of pedestrians and drivers that raise the numbers of fatalities?

October falls on October 31st this year, which is a Thursday.  The petition claims that moving it to the last Saturday of the month will allow more families to participate, and more time to enjoy the celebration.

While we were living in New York, most communities chose to host Halloween around 4pm to 6pm, for safety reasons.  However, working families would have to find a solution to the overlap of Halloween and work.  Take time off of work?  Miss Halloween?  Send their child out with a different adult?  Allow their child to go out on their own?

Here in Metro Detroit, most communities celebrate Halloween after dusk.  I admit there is something special about celebrating Halloween in the dark.  But this also creates some major safety concerns.  The petition urges parent to speak with their children about safety, to have them carry a flashlight, wear high visibility aids on their costume, and to accompany their child to increase the safety factors.

Metro Detroit Mommy has been covering Southeast Michigan Halloween events for a while now.   Trunk or treat events, Downtown trick or treats, Harvest Celebrations, educational programs and so much more are available all month long in communities across Southeast Michigan.  This provides families to celebrate at a time that is convenient for them.

What do you think?  Would you prefer to leave Halloween on October 31st, or should we move it to the last Saturday in October?  Join the conversation on Facebook.