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Home / My health and fitness journey: Three months and 20 pounds gone!

My health and fitness journey: Three months and 20 pounds gone!

Countless workouts. Two big setbacks. Twenty pounds lost. Two new pairs of jeans.

That is the result of my three months at Starting Line Health and Fitness. They agreed to give me three months of classes in exchange for sharing my experience with Metro Detroit Mommy’s readers.
At the start of this, I really didn’t believe I could finish. I was full of doubts and excuses. I was certain I would fail, as I had failed so many times before to get fit and lose weight.
This time though, I had the incentive of crappy health and not just a desire to not carry around 50 extra pounds.

But with the support of Chip, Meghan and all the other wonderful coaches and athletes, I lost 20 pounds and I feel like I have my life back. I feel like the person I was seven years ago, before I stopped working out and gained so much weight.

It’s been a gift – one that I gave myself. I earned this through a lot of hard work and I’m proud of that. I went to the gym on days I didn’t want to and kept up workouts at home even when it was hard. I asked for support from family and friends, even when it was inconvenient and meant they had to accommodate me.

I made it through the loss of my beloved father-in-law, who died suddenly in November. I made it through two major holidays without gaining or quitting. I also made it through the return of my migraines, which set me back three weeks and nearly caused me to throw in the towel.

I’ve learned that there is no finish line. There is no “done.” That even if I meet my weight loss goal (only 30 more pounds to go!) I can set new goals – fitness goals. Health goals. There is a reason the gym is named Starting Line and not Finish Line. There is no end; you work out because it improves your life and every day, you line up at the start and put in the work.
I have zero desire to stop now and I am setting new goals for the New Year, like being able to do at least ONE atomic pushup. I’m working on it but I have a way to go.

I love the way I feel and more importantly, I love how I don’t feel like I have to make excuses anymore for my weight. When I see the pictures of me when I started and now, I want to cry. It is such a difference.

Most importantly though, I feel confident in my ability to handle the curve balls life throws at me and not sit in a corner and eat my feelings. I can’t see myself doing that anymore. I think I would be more likely to do a few sets of squats or take a moment for some yoga instead.
If you are thinking about starting your own health and fitness journey – or if you resolved to make 2017 your year — I am proud of you! You can do it. If you put in the work, you will see results. I know. I’m proof.