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Home / MEET UP and EAT UP


Summertime is officially here, and school is out. For most families, there are days where you have run out of ideas or healthy resources for lunch and the kids are bored. Thanks to a wonderful program called MEET UP and EAT UP from Michigan Department of Education (MDE) and United Way for Southeastern Michigan, children can eat free all Summer and participate in fun activities to promote being active and social in the community. This program especially assists families that already use the Federal School Meals Program during the school year. Healthy Nutrition is vital for children and a well-balanced breakfast and lunch is offered at all locations Monday to Friday. Locations are across all of Michigan including Churches, Community Centers, Libraries, Schools, and Parks. Here is the link for more information and to find a location near you: or can Dial 2-1-1 or Text FOOD to 877-877