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Home / Halloween Costumes: Dress Up For Spooky-Yet-Safe Fun

Halloween Costumes: Dress Up For Spooky-Yet-Safe Fun

Halloween is a chance for kids to put on creative costumes and pretend to be something else for the night. But whether your little one is dressing up as a pretty princess or frightening ghost, you’ll want to make sure they stay safe. And that’s where these tips come in. They’ll ensure your kids trick-or-treat without putting themselves at risk.

  • Be bright: Going out at night is one of the joys of Halloween (besides the candy and costumes, of course), but it can make it tough for drivers to see trick or treaters. Add some visibility to your child’s costume with bright colors, reflective material or even glow sticks. You’ll be able to keep eyes on them and so will any drivers, bikers and neighbors.
  • Make sure everything fits properly: While DIY costumes and hand-me-downs are great money savers, you’ll want to make sure the costume fits well, especially the shoes. Too much fabric and ill-fitting footwear can cause kids to trip.
  • Check wigs, clothing and accessories for flame-retardant: Fire retardant fabrics will burn less easily than normal fabrics and are easier to extinguish. That said, flame-retardant materials can still catch fire, so avoid open flames whenever possible.
  • Be careful with masks: If the costume involves a hat or mask, do a test run at night to make sure that it won’t slip over their eyes and obstruct their vision or restrict breathing.
  • Do a test run with make-up: If you plan on using make-up, test products on a small patch of skin in advance—you never know when something might be irritating. Be especially careful around the eye area and check the labels that it’s non-toxic and kid-safe.
  • Write down emergency information: If your kids are old enough to go out by themselves or with friends, be sure to write down your name, number and address and put it in their pocket in case something happens.
  • Dress for the weather: It can get pretty cold around Halloween, so make sure your child is dressed warm enough to walk around for a few hours. If the forecast calls for rain or snow, add waterproof layers to your child’s costume as well. You might even want to bring along a thermos of hot cider or hot chocolate—it can help keep everyone warm and is a delicious fall treat.

Photo credit: Pexels