This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Beaumont. All opinions are 100% mine.
Beaumont Health has made it super easy to find out your risk for several different health factors with a free online assessment. Metro Detroit Mommy solely looked at the heart health risk assessment test to see what kind of results one would receive.
The test is about 10 or so simple questions and only takes a few minutes to complete. After the short quiz, you are given detailed results and possible action steps to better your heart health.
The assessment asked you questions like your age, gender, physical activity, family history, and other questions related to heart health. These questions would later tell me my overall risk for heart disease. This is something I have never looked into before so it was very eye-opening. I was able to answer many of the questions pretty easily. But there was one health question I didn’t know right off the bat. I don’t keep track of my blood pressure numbers when I go to the doctor’s office, so if you’re like me try writing it down the next time you’re there before taking this test.
In the end, my heart age equaled my actual age. The assessment did have some recommendations where you can click to open your full report. Beaumont’s Heart Risk Assessment full report did a great job detailing my heart status and how to stay on track. In the report, it stated, “Everyone is at risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD).” It is important to know your risk factor and how to decrease the factors you are in control of. It is always a good idea to follow up with a doctor during your next yearly check-up or make an appointment today to discuss your heart health.
Even though I’m at low risk for cardiovascular disease, Beaumont says it increases with age. In my full report, Beaumont explained the risk factors you can change to improve your heart health. Smoking increases your risk for cardiovascular disease. Your weight and physical activity are the other factors you can change to help your ticker keep on ticking. Beaumont encourages you to ask your doctor to determine a healthy weight and how to achieve it. And when you workout and focus on making your heart stronger, your blood pressure will also improve. Beaumont says you should have your blood pressure checked every year and that high blood pressure is often called the silent killer because it has no symptoms. Working out, eating a healthy diet, and maintaining a healthy weight will impact your blood pressure and cholesterol. 5 heart healthy habits you can start today
The results then went into great detail explaining risk factors you can’t change when it comes to your heart health. Some of the surprising risk factors of heart disease include your age & sex, existing CVD, diabetes, and family history. The one that caught my eye was family history. Not only should you be aware of your heart health history but also your family’s.
By taking Beaumont’s free heart risk assessment I was able to learn about my current risk and what changes I need to make to stay on par. I would highly encourage everyone else to take the test so you’re at least aware of your status because you can always make changes today.
Learn more at Beaumont or follow their social channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or follow the hashtag #beaumonthealth.
Katie is a hard workin’ momma who loves to be where the people are. She has a daughter named Charlotte (almost 4 years old), a son named Silas (19 months old), and her husband’s name is Jeff (married 6 years). She graduated from Madonna University with a degree in Broadcast and Cinema Arts. She shared her love and passion for journalism at 9&10 News, Northern Michigan’s News Leader for 8 years as a reporter and anchor. Her family moved to Metro Detroit to be closer to family and her husband’s new job. Katie is excited to write for MDM and help other mommas!