Winter is here and there is so much to do. Oakland County Parks offers many outdoor activities including cross-country skiing, fat tire biking, snowshoeing and sledding.
Oakland County Parks February Events
Feb. 5
Morning Munchkins is 10:30-11:30 a.m. Feb. 5 at Red Oaks Nature Center, 30300 Hales St.,
Madison Heights. Join this exciting series just for preschoolers. Bring your munchkin to the
nature center for a favorite story and a related hands-on, nature-based discovery activity. This
series will be offered the first Friday of each month. The February book is “Mary Leakey, Fossil
Huntress.” Programs may take place outdoors – under a tent or on a trail, so dress for the
weather. Masks are required for programs conducted under the tent. Masks are available on
site if participants do not have their own and staff will wear masks. Screening questions and
touchless temperature checks are required upon arrival. Check in at the white tent near the
nature center. In case of inclement weather, programs will be cancelled. Cost is $4/child.
Preregistration with payment required by calling 248-858-0916 weekdays. Visit for details.
Feb. 6
Discover Michigan Fresh, a free virtual educational series, will be Feb. 6. By 10 a.m., a video
will be shared on the Oakland County Farmers Market’s Facebook page. Experts from Michigan
State University Extension – Health & Nutrition will provide growing, handling and preserving
tips as well as healthy recipes to help you take advantage of the delicious Michigan-grown
bounty from your backyard or the Oakland County Farmers Market. Call 248-858-5495 or email for more information.
Feb. 6
NatureFit: Snowshoe Try-it is 2-3 p.m. Feb. 6 at Red Oaks Nature Center, 30300 Hales St.,
Madison Heights. Learn about the history of snowshoes and then hit the trail for an afternoon of
winter fun including a guided snowshoe hike and crackling campfire. Snowshoes provided.
Participants must wear boots. This program is appropriate for ages 5 and older. A winter hike
will be substituted if conditions do not permit snowshoeing. Cost is $6/person. Masks are
required for programs conducted under the tent and are available on site if participants do not
have their own. Staff will wear masks. Screening questions and touchless temperature checks
are required upon arrival. In case of inclement weather programs will be cancelled.
Preregistration with payment required by calling 248-858-0916 weekdays.
Feb. 9
Join us on Zoom! Oakland County Parks and Recreation Historian Carol Bacak-Egbo will
discuss the stories and history behind the nearly 5,000 artifacts Oakland County Parks and
Recreation’s archaeology team discovered while searching for the privy pit of the Ellis farm
outhouse during a Fireside Chat from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Feb. 9. This is a free program. Find the
Zoom link at Click on the “Get Involved” tab, scroll to “Events” and
click on the flyer link under the Feb. 9 event listing. Call 248-343-6287 for more information.
Feb. 10
Gleaners Community Food Bank is hosting a food distribution event at the Oakland County
Farmers Market from 9-11 a.m. Feb. 10 while supplies last. Families and individuals in need of
food are encouraged to attend the drive-up or walk-up distribution. Items like milk, fresh fruits,
vegetables, lean protein and other shelf-stable items will be distributed. Stay in your vehicle,
and groceries will be placed in your trunk. Walk up guests without vehicles or those without a
trunk are welcome to obtain groceries from a self-service table. If walking, please be prepared
to carry the groceries or have a cart. You do not need to bring identification or proof of eligibility
to receive food. If you wish to pick up for another household, you may do so without their
presence in the car. Call 248-858-5495 or email for more information.
Feb. 11
Homeschool Program: Animal Tracks will be held from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Feb. 11 at Red
Oaks Nature Center, 30300 Hales St. in Madison Heights. Become a habitat scene investigator.
Learn about tracks and signs and discover the stories that animals leave behind. Each session
is adapted for ages 5-9 and ages 10-17. Preregistration is required; call 248-858-0916 on
weekdays during regular business hours as no on-site registration will be available. Sessions
are designed as drop-off programs for youth. All students are welcome, whether from a
traditional homeschool, pod or virtual learning setting. A release form must be completed with
registration. Cost: $10/session. Programs may take place outdoors – under a tent or on a trail.
Masks are required for programs conducted under the tent. Masks are available on site if
participants do not have their own and staff will wear masks. Screening questions and touchless
temperature checks are required upon arrival. Check in at the white tent near the nature center.
In case of inclement weather, programs will be cancelled. Visit for
Feb. 13
Discover cooking secrets from local chefs who will use produce available from Oakland County
Farmers Market vendors during a free virtual cooking demonstration held in cooperation with
edibleWOW. The video, recipe and chef information will be posted on the Oakland County
Farmers Market’s Facebook page by 10 a.m. Feb. 13. Additional copies of the recipe will be
available at the farmers market, 2350 Pontiac Lake Road in Waterford, so guests will have the
ingredient list while shopping at the market. The chef presenter scheduled for Feb. 13 is Sam
Bullock from Dorsey Schools Culinary Academy. For more information, call 248-858-5495 or
Feb. 13
An Ice Fishing program is set from 1-2:30 p.m. Feb. 13 at Independence Oaks County Park,
9501 Sashabaw Road, Clarkston. Enjoy Michigan’s free winter fishing weekend. Begin by
learning how to operate ice fishing equipment, then try to reel in some fish. Because this
program takes place on a free fishing weekend, no fishing license is necessary to participate.
This program is suitable for school-aged children and adults. This program meets at the
Independence Oaks Boathouse. Cost is $8/person and preregistration with payment is required
by calling 248-858-0916 weekdays. Visit for more information.
Feb. 16
Homeschool Program: Animal Tracks will be held from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Feb. 16 at Wint
Nature Center in Independence Oaks County Park, 9501 Sashabaw Road, Clarkston. Become
a habitat scene investigator. Learn about tracks and signs and discover the stories that animals
leave behind. Each session is adapted for ages 5-9 and ages 10-17. Preregistration is required;
call 248-858-0916 on weekdays during regular business hours as no on-site registration will be
available. Sessions are designed as drop-off programs for youth. All students are welcome,
whether from a traditional homeschool, pod or virtual learning setting. A release form must be
completed with registration. Cost: $10/session. Programs may take place outdoors – under a
tent or on a trail. Masks are required for programs conducted under the tent. Masks are
available on site if participants do not have their own and staff will wear masks. Screening
questions and touchless temperature checks are required upon arrival. Check in at the white
tent near the nature center. In case of inclement weather, programs will be cancelled. Visit for details.
Feb. 16
Throughout the month of February, participants can pick up program kits to make the craft
projects during Virtual Take and Make programs. Kits for the Snow Moon wall hanging self-led
craft can be picked up from Feb. 16-28. The kit is suitable for all ages, although children may
need assistance. Cost is $9/kit. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. There are 20
kits available. Preregister by calling 248-858-0916 during business hours and select a location
to pick up program kits. Kits will be available from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday and
Sunday noon-5 p.m. at Red Oaks Nature Center or from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday-Sunday at the
Independence Oaks contact station.
Feb. 19
Enjoy a free personal, naturalist-guided nature hike during Trail Hikes by Appointment Feb. 19
at Wint Nature Center in Independence Oaks County Park, 9501 Sashabaw Road, Clarkston.
Register for time slots at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. or 2 p.m. Participants will learn about seasonal topics
while getting some exercise and enjoying the great outdoors. Up to three family groups will be
admitted per time slot to accommodate social distancing. Park entry fee applies. Time slots are
available on a first-come, first-served basis. This program is free and suitable for all ages.
Masks are encouraged and available on site if participants do not have their own. Staff will wear
masks. Screening questions and touchless temperature checks are required upon arrival.
Check-in at the white tent near the nature center. In case of inclement weather programs may
be cancelled. Preregistration required by calling 248-858-0916 weekdays.
Feb. 20
Discover Michigan Fresh, a free virtual education series, will be Feb. 20. By 10 a.m., a video will
be shared on the Oakland County Farmers Market’s Facebook page. Experts from Michigan
State University Extension – Health & Nutrition will provide growing, handling and preserving
tips as well as healthy recipes to help you take advantage of the delicious Michigan-grown
bounty from your backyard or the Oakland County Farmers Market. Call 248-858-5495 or email for more information.
Feb. 20
Enjoy a free personal, naturalist-guided nature hike during Trail Hikes by Appointment Feb. 20
at Wint Nature Center in Independence Oaks County Park, 9501 Sashabaw Road, Clarkston.
Register for time slots at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. or 2 p.m. Participants will learn about seasonal topics
while getting some exercise and enjoying the great outdoors. Up to three family groups will be
admitted per time slot to accommodate social distancing. Park entry fee applies. Time slots are
available on a first-come, first-served basis. This program is free and suitable for all ages.
Masks are encouraged and available on site if participants do not have their own. Staff will wear
masks. Screening questions and touchless temperature checks are required upon arrival.
Check-in at the white tent near the nature center. In case of inclement weather programs may
be cancelled. Preregistration required by calling 248-858-0916 weekdays.
Feb. 24
Gleaners Community Food Bank is hosting a food distribution event at the Oakland County
Farmers Market from 9-11 a.m. Feb. 24 while supplies last. Families and individuals in need of
food are encouraged to attend the drive-up or walk-up distribution. Items like milk, fresh fruits,
vegetables, lean protein and other shelf-stable items will be distributed. Stay in your vehicle,
and groceries will be placed in your trunk. Walk up guests without vehicles or those without a
trunk are welcome to obtain groceries from a self-service table. If walking, please be prepared
to carry the groceries or have a cart. You do not need to bring identification or proof of eligibility
to receive food. If you wish to pick up for another household, you may do so without their
presence in the car. Call 248-858-5495 or email for more information.
Feb. 26
Enjoy a personal, naturalist-guided nature hike during Trail Hikes by Appointment Feb. 26 at
Red Oaks Nature Center, 30300 Hales St., Madison Heights. Register for time slots at 10 a.m.,
11 a.m. or 2 p.m. Participants will learn about seasonal topics while getting some exercise and
enjoying the great outdoors. Up to three family groups will be admitted per time slot to
accommodate social distancing. Time slots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. This
program is free and suitable for all ages. Masks are encouraged and available on site if
participants do not have their own. Staff will wear masks. Screening questions and touchless
temperature checks are required upon arrival. Check-in at the white tent near the nature center.
In case of inclement weather programs may be cancelled. Preregistration required by calling
248-858-0916 weekdays.
Feb. 27
Discover cooking secrets from local chefs who will use produce available from Oakland County
Farmers Market vendors during a free virtual cooking demonstration held in cooperation with
edibleWOW. The video, recipe and chef information will be posted on the Oakland County
Farmers Market’s Facebook page by 10 a.m. Feb. 27. Additional copies of the recipe will be
available at the farmers market, 2350 Pontiac Lake Road in Waterford, so guests will have the
ingredient list while shopping at the market. The chef presenter scheduled for Feb. 27 is Jared
Bobkin from Feast. For more information, call 248-858-5495 or visit
Feb 27
Enjoy a personal, naturalist-guided nature hike during Trail Hikes by Appointment Feb. 27 at
Red Oaks Nature Center, 30300 Hales St., Madison Heights. Register for time slots at 10 a.m.,
11 a.m. or 2 p.m. Participants will learn about seasonal topics while getting some exercise and
enjoying the great outdoors. Up to three family groups will be admitted per time slot to
accommodate social distancing. Time slots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. This
program is free and suitable for all ages. Masks are encouraged and available on site if
participants do not have their own. Staff will wear masks. Screening questions and touchless
temperature checks are required upon arrival. Check-in at the white tent near the nature center.
In case of inclement weather programs may be cancelled. Preregistration required by calling
248-858-0916 weekdays.
Feb 27
NatureFit: Snowshoe Try-it is 2-3 p.m. Feb. 27 at Wint Nature Center in Independence Oaks
County Park, 9501 Sashabaw Road, Clarkston. Learn about the history of snowshoes and then
hit the trail for an afternoon of winter fun including a guided snowshoe hike and crackling
campfire. Snowshoes provided. Participants must wear boots. This program is appropriate for
ages 5 and older. A winter hike will be substituted if conditions do not permit snowshoeing. Cost
is $6/person. Masks are required for programs conducted under the tent and are available on
site if participants do not have their own. Staff will wear masks. Screening questions and
touchless temperature checks are required upon arrival. In case of inclement weather programs
will be cancelled. Preregistration with payment required by calling 248-858-0916 weekdays.
For information on other events, visit
For information on other events, visit
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Oakland County Parks
Addison Oaks
Catalpa Oaks
Farmer’s Market
Groveland Oaks
Highland Oaks
Holly Oaks ORV Park
Independence Oaks
Lyon Oaks
Orion Oaks
Red Oaks Nature Center
Red Oaks Waterpark
Rose Oaks
Springfield Oaks
Waterford Oaks Waterpark
Meet Amber, a busy work-at-home mom to four fantastic kids: Damian (29), Rosaleigh (15), Carlyn (12), and Naomi (9)! 🌟 When she’s not running Metro Detroit Mommy, she loves to dive into creative projects like drawing, photography, and crafting, or unwind with some gardening, reading, and meditation. 🌿🎨📸
Amber cherishes the moments she gets to spend with her kids and feels incredibly fortunate to provide them with endless opportunities and experiences through her work. She’s also on a personal journey, focusing on improving her emotional health every day. 💖✨
Life is full, fun, and always an adventure with Amber and her crew! 🎉