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Indoor Play

Brick It Up Review – Clarkston

Metro Detroit Mommy Blogger: Jennifer Wooley  Any Age Fitness Disclosure: Jennifer and her family received free admission in exchange for this promotional post.  All opinions are genuine and her own.  Your experience may differ. Imagination, creativity, teamwork and fun.  This was our experience on Friday night at Brick It Up in Clarkston. (948 S Baldwin Rd, Clarkston) From my three to… 

Imagination Station – Toledo, OH

Bri received free admission to the Imagination Station in Toledo in exchange for this promotional post.  All opinions are her own, your experience may differ. I was so excited to take my girls (ages 6 and 4) down to Toledo, Ohio for our first time to check out the Imagination Station.   The Imagination Station promises visitors of every age a… 

Kidz Kingdom in Detroit

Today we visited Kidz Kingdom in Detroit.  I can’t tell you how thrilled the opening of this facility makes me.  Detroit needs more places for families to get together in a safe, friendly environment that is full of learning opportunities, Kidz Kingdom provides this all in Detroit. Owner and Founder Danielle is amazing.  Wife, mother of two boys, and former… 

Sterling Heights Public Library

The Sterling Heights Public Library is located at 40255 Dodge Park Rd in Sterling Heights.  The library offers a great children program in addition to a wonderful play space in the children’s section of the library.   Some of the programs available are toddler and preschool story times, paws for reading, movie days and more. Our Mom’s group met at the…