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Health & Fitness

Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas

By: Grace Derocha, registered dietitian, certified diabetes educator and certified health coach with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Dr. Gina Lynem-Walker The average American anticipates spending more than $900 during the holiday season. Despite efforts to set a budget, 58 percent of families go beyond their means and a quarter are willing to withdraw money from retirement funds, emergency… 

6 Interesting Facts Moms Should Know About Sleep

Brought you by Vive Health.  Sleeping is as natural as breathing, especially for babies and children. They don’t think about it. They just do it; sometimes, it just happens. For a certain number of people, however, sleep is not like that at all. Although scientists are only beginning to understand the purpose of sleeping, the fact remains that this simple… 

Don’t Panic: Understanding And Treating Childhood Fevers

Guest post brought to you by Vive Health. Fever is one of the most common, and most misunderstood, of all childhood illness symptoms. Watch your child’s fever like a hawk, they say, because high fevers kill brain cells. And if their temperature spikes above 101, you might think you need to give them as many fever-reducing chemicals as they can… 

Mom’s First Aid Must-Haves

Brought to you by Vive Health Moms are always looking to improve their first aid kits as their children get older and more active. You may start out with infant pain reliever, fever reducer, booger sucker, and a thermometer when your children are young, but as they get older, you will want to enhance your first aid kit to better…