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Home / 4 Lessons I Have Learned: How I am Helping the BLM Movement

4 Lessons I Have Learned: How I am Helping the BLM Movement

Photo Credit: Honeycomb Art Design – Shop today to support Arts & Scraps

Things I have learned, am still learning about, and talking about with my family. It begins at home ❤️

1. Educate Yourself

My public schooling has clearly left out some of the most important and most crucial parts of this country’s flawed history. I am embarrassed that I used to think before that I was so lucky to be educated in America. Anyways, the fix is to educate yourself. Read about the dramatic contributions that people of color have made to this country. CLASP published an educational article on this topic in February of 2020: I’ve been reading “Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race”{Amazon Affiliate Link: AAL} by Reni Eddo-Lodge and “Born a Crime” {AAL} by Trevor Noah. I have a long way to go to make my knowledge of history more authentic, more robust, and more accurate.

📌Books to read in the near future: {Amazon Affiliate Links}
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by by Robin DiAngelo and Michael Eric Dyson
How Blacks Build America by Joe R. Feagin

2. Make Your Voices Heard

Donate to some causes that help the movement. You can also send texts and emails to elected officials. These little things add up. I also posted some things I found valuable to my own journey of learning in hopes that it can resonate with any family or friends who may not be exposed to information about the BLM movement. My attempts pale in comparison to all of the great work thousands are doing by peacefully protesting but it’s a start.

📌Places to Donate:
The NAACP Legal Defense Fund
Black Lives Matter
Bail Project
Movement for Black Lives
American Civil Liberties Union
135 Ways to Donate in Support of Black Lives and Communities of Color

3. Spread Your Knowledge

Talking. This is the best thing I think we can do. There is a lot of built-up racism, spoken and unspoken within our community and families. A simple face to face conversation can help soften the minds of those who are maybe unaware of their biases. Irene Sarah spoke PERFECTLY about the word “kaalu”. You know it, I know it, if you’re Bengali, you know it. Stop it. Watch her explanation under her BLM highlights (it is a video about 3/4 of the way through) if you need an explanation.

4. Live a Consciously Diverse Family Life

Channel ALL of this to our home life and family. This is of utmost importance because our children are the future. Make more diverse friends, read culturally and racially diverse books to your children, take them to places where they will get a chance to play with children that don’t look like them. Watch television, movies, and theatre productions that have a diverse cast and portray people of color in a positive/helpful way.
❤️Seeing color and spreading kindness, Tasneem

Great Books for Children that Promote Diversity: {Amazon Affiliate Links}
All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold
The Proudest Blue By Ibtihaj Muhammad
Mommy’s Khimar By Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow
Not Quite Snow White By Ashley Franklin
Mae Among the Stars By Roda Ahmed
Imani’s Moon by By Janay Brown-wood
Whose Knees Are These By Jabari Asim
I Beleive I Can By Grace Byers
This Little Trailblazer: A Girl Power Primer By Joan Holub
When God Made You By Matthew Paul Turner
Black Heroes: A Black History Book for Kids: 51 Inspiring People from Ancient Africa to Modern-Day U.S.A. by Arlisha Norwood

The Black and Brown Theatre addresses the inequality of casting in the professional Michigan theatre scene and creates opportunities for artists of color.

Bonus: The People in Power and Power of People

A footnote from Metro Detroit Mommy Founder: Amber Louchart

If you want to be heard on important issues, be in a position of power. Elected officials, business owners, business leaders, and decision-makers all have power. It is important for everyone to ensure that ALL voices are heard. Representation matters.

You can promote fair representation by lifting up black-owned businesses, and those businesses that have a diverse leadership team. This means supporting businesses that not only hire a diverse population of employees but have diversity in positions of power. Check out this Vox Video: American segregation, mapped at day and night. How diverse are our workspaces, really?

Conversely, decline to do business with those who have openly voiced their racism, expressed hateful sentiments, or have provided support for those that endorse racist views. Your spending dollars are your power.

Advocate for community leaders that share your views on equality and justice. Research candidates and VOTE to ensure that your voice is heard. Register to vote today. And finally, fill out the 2020 Census.

A special Thank You goes out to Honeycomb Art Design for the use of their image for this article. They have super cute t-shirts and prints for sale in their shop. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Arts & Scraps, a local Detroit nonprofit whose mission is to strengthen families of Southeast Michigan. They also offer free community art activities and free coloring pages.

Tasneem Bhuiyan {Author}
Briana Marie {Editor}
Amber Louchart {MDM Founder}
