If a child is read to 30 minutes a day beginning at birth, then they will have approximately 900 hours of reading by age 5! Experts have linked higher success in school as well as in life to daily reading practices. Wayne County GSRP teachers and families have contributed to our cause by sharing these top 10 resources, tips and tricks to get everyone reading during Reading Month!
10 Ways Parents and Teachers Can Celebrate Reading Month:
- If you are looking to step up your students’ reading time, then, Anna Trosin may have the perfect tip. This Redford Union early educator shares: “I am recording one read aloud a day and posting on my class Facebook page and posting to our class seesaw app.”
- Inviting guests into classrooms may be tricky this year. While following CDC recommendations about social distancing, but never fear technology is here! Ask for read aloud vides or ZOOM sessions from family members, school administrators, local officials, and community helpers! Calling all mystery readers near or far! Come out come out wherever you are!
- Regina Werenka of GoLightly Education Center Great Start Readiness Program in Detroit suggests looking into Epic, Vooks and Reading IQ for digital reading resources.
- Grow your library collection. Consider titles from the Black Children’s Books and Authors list. This list represents just some of the amazing award winning Black children’s authors and illustrators.
- Mona Alaouie GSRP Teacher at Kreative Kids in Inkster sent home this calendar for families to celebrate outside of school.
- Help Me Grow Michigan suggests the website Storylineonline. The site hosts read alouds by celebrities with a free app to read from any device! Activity guides are also available for families looking for some ideas outside of school.
- Great Start Collaborative Wayne has a whole page of their website devoted to Talking is Teaching. The website contains tips about early literacy and more!
- Early Childhood Consultant Noel Sauer shares she has baskets of books all over her home and classroom. She noticed that multiple book locations increased the reading time of both her students and children.
- Families and educators can read their way into cultural responsiveness by reading this article from the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
- Check with your community library for either virtual or in-person celebrations for reading month. Educators may want to share the resources with families or plan a virtual visit during class. Families may be more likely to participate if they know other preschool families are attending as well. It’s all about connection!
Great Start Readiness Program is a Michigan state-funded preschool program for four-year-old children with factors which may place them at risk of educational failure. The program is administered by the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Great Start. Funding is allocated to Wayne RESA to administer the program locally.
These blogs were developed and funded under a grant awarded by the Michigan Department of Education.
Research on preschool programs and specific research on GSRP indicates that children provided with a high-quality preschool experience show significant positive developmental differences when compared to children from the same backgrounds who did not attend a high-quality preschool program.